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Module Coordinator: Dr. Filzani Illia Ibrahim
Lecturers: Mrs. Delliya Zain, Mr. Azim Sulaiman, Mr. Nicholas, Mr. Nik Syazwan
Tutor: Mr. Azim Sulaiman
Sketching Analysis
The history of architecture traces the architectural changes through various traditions, regions, overarching stylistic trends and dates. We can contribute to the preservation of historical evidence of valuable historical buildings by recording, recording and analyzing buildings. In this project, students will conduct research and analysis on different buildings in different periods of time.

Comparative Analysis Report
This project emphasizes comparative analysis of two case studies between local heritage buildings. This project helps students to understand the influences of post-modernism to architectural design and construction, building science and technology, and urban design.

Due to the pandemic, we were taking our tutorials and lecturers through online learning. During the lecture sessions, lecturers also include some games about content they want to teach that day to make us more staying focused in class. I was able to fully understand all the information and knowledges given by lecturers. Tutors and the module coordinator provided us with some social media platforms for us to reach out with them such as Facebook, Telegram, Teams and others. Tutors always give some feedbacks to us for improvements so that keep everyone is moving in right direction. The module coordinator always updates the social sites to inform us with the latest news and the requirements of the assignments. I really appreciate that they gave through online learning to the students.
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